
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Let's Talk About Wealth

In out "Get Yours While You Can" world it seems that many of us are missing one critical piece of information which should change the way we think. That is that there is a finite amount of wealth and as the resources of the world shrink so does the wealth pool.

Why is that important? When the rich get richer the poor must get poorer. The middle class has less as well. The amount in your bank account is not as true a measure of wealth as you would like it to be. It has been diluted by money which is not actually wealth. Money can be and is regularly manipulated. It is not backed by actual wealth. It's only value is in trade to others who believe it has value. 

Real wealth is based on control of resources and commerce. Your bank account and retirement plan and home equity give you very little in the way of control over these things. The people that have that control also have control over the direction of world governments. They decide whether we live peacefully with others or are in a constant state of war.

When the richest in the world continue taking more control over real wealth they take away the chance for people to live life on their own terms. Every time they take another chunk of the wealth they are condemning others to poverty. There is no middle ground or room to debate this. If they take it there is no more for others to get. 

The natural reaction people have is that those on the bottom don't try hard enough or they refuse to assimilate into life as we know it, but the reality is that they have almost no opportunity to do so. 

So, how do the richest keep consolidating more wealth? This is the part that should piss you off. They are invested in all of the things that are wrong in the world. Who do we see as the troublemakers in the world? Banks? Yep, they own them. Insurance companies? Yep, them too. Big Pharm? Yep. And lets add every military and weapons contractor, chemical companies, oil, coal, and the list goes on.

So what if chemicals sprayed liberally on the food supply are making people sick? There are pills to fix that. So what if the oil needs of a greedy country require constant war in the Middle East? We have planes and tanks and guns and Humvees and Drones, etc to deal with that. So what if the cost of medical care is beyond what anyone can actually pay? We have insurance companies for that. So what if nobody can afford a home? There are mortgages available at the bank for that.

Every problem we have living with too little in an economy driven by the richest and unregulated by a government owned by the same people has a fix where those people can continue to consolidate a shrinking amount of wealth. 

The only answer I see is to take back the government from the richest few and return it to a government for the people, by the people and of the people. I only hope it is already not too late to do so.

Be very well and more soon....