
Friday, July 12, 2013

Garden Update

It's that time when the garden is getting fun to look at. The staples are cruising along and we are actually a little between on salad greens right now.

Tomato land is doing great! This year I moved them to a full sun location on the back of my built in bench on the deck. I set the shelf so that the tops of the containers are just below the top of the bench so the buckets aren't visible from the deck. They are bigger there then they have ever been.

Squash land is also going nuts. We have been eating both zucchini and summer squash along the way. The trick is to fins them in the jungle of leaves and vines. The blocks are 12" across the face so you have some perspective.
In the greenhouse this year we have peppers, a couple of tomato plants, some Genovese and Thai Basil and an eggplant. The peppers are coming along nicely. I have a couple of Ancho/Poblano plants that are small, but already fruiting.

We are rife with herbs with basil, thyme, oregano, rosemary and mint growing crazy. We have been making good use of the herbs along the way.

In the front yard where useless grass used to grow we have been eating a ton of kale and salad greens and recently began harvesting beets. I just replanted more greens and beets. I need to harvest kale today as you can see in the picture.
Less impressive right now are our beans and cucumbers that I planted too early and they didn't take so I planted again, but a little late. They are growing like weeds to catch up now. I have about 200 sq ft that I need to get planted with some later year stuff and I have to clean out a large kale bed in the front and replant it with new.
If I am good I'll have kale and beets most of the year and greens well into Fall. That is how I choose to fix the food supply issues.
Be very well and more soon.....


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