Will power is defined as the strength of will to carry out one's decisions, wishes,
or plans. Pretty straight forward right?
I don't get it or like the implications of it. Here's why. It's just an excuse to not actually decide to do something. "I was doing so good not smoking, but then I lost my will power." That is CRAP! This is how it should be stated "I never decided to really quit smoking anyway so when I failed I figured I'd blame it on will power."
I have to quote Yoda again when he says to Luke "There is no try. Do or do not." Next time you think about blaming will power just admit that you weren't really committed enough to the task to avoid tripping over yourself.
The thing about change is that it IS CHANGE. It's not that hard to get this concept. If you TRY to stop eating french fries you have already failed. If you don't want to eat fries don't. I realize this is a higher level of responsibility than many are used to, but that, itself, is a change that is worthy as well. When things go sideways, like they seem to want to do, own your failures and learn from them.
No one makes us do anything we don't choose to do. Even when people mean well and try they can't make changes for you. Pam was a trooper for years. She would fill me in on the plans to hike this and climb that and I would make an excuse why I didn't want to attend. I had to choose for me. I am glad she kept trying and even more glad that she didn't nag me to do stuff. Ladies - men hate nagging. We tend to do the exact opposite of what is suggested in the nagging instead. Just sayin'.
The one person you can't fool is yourself. You know going into stuff where your commitment level is. All I'm suggesting - not nagging- is that you take a stronger stand. Tell yourself that you are worth the trouble and commit to the change. And if and when you fall down learn from it and move forward with even more resolve. I was taught when I was learning to play bass that there are no mistakes - just bad improvisation.
So here's to banishing Will Power from our vocabulary. I think it is much more destructive than the R word that so many want banned as well.
More soon.....
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