
Thursday, January 19, 2012

How About Food As Food?

I was watching some dietitian talking about how a good diet doesn't "deprive" you of what you want. This is someone who gets paid to help you make proper dietary decisions. It's a good thing she wasn't a drug counsellor!

If white flour and white sugar are causing you health problems and you finally elect to eliminate them from your diet you are NOT depriving yourself of anything. You are properly making a necessary dietary adjustment so that you can get your body the nutrients it NEEDS.

If that woman was a drug counsellor she'd have you keeping just a little heroin, crack or meth in your daily routine so as not to "deprive" yourself of what you want. That's crap!

If you don't know by now here it is. French fries, bacon and potato chips are BAD FOR YOU. I don't care what your metabolism is like or how much you work out - those things are poison in your body. They provide NO nutrition. They instead throw off your digestive system so it can't properly do what it should do.

If you can get your head around the idea that food has one purpose - to provide you with nutrition - you will have all you need to make good food decisions. If you can tell yourself that what isn't food that provides nutrition should be treated as a drug that has great potential to cause you harm and be addictive you will never crave the stuff that makes you sick.

Virtually all chronic disease can be avoided or arrested by making good food choices. Diabetes, cancer, heart disease, arthritis, chronic fatigue and others are DIRECTLY related to diet. You should never have heart disease unless you were unlucky enough to be born with an issue and even then you can limit your problem with good food choices.

So the next time you get disgusted with where you are health wise and decide to make changes, make this change first - Decide that Food is For Nourishment. That doesn't mean it can't taste good. I had to relearn how I cook, but the results are better than ever without the bad ingredients.

More soon....

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