There was a study that everyone is talking about that concluded that if people who are Type II Diabetics get bariatric surgery that they can cure their diabetes. I am sure that is true and I know that there are situations where the very obese can get great benefit from this kind of surgery.
Where I disagree with this approach is when they start moving the bar down to people who are still capable of getting up and getting some exercise and who are capable of feeding themselves.
You can reverse - cure - Type II Diabetes with diet and exercise. In fact, in many studies people with diabetes and high blood pressure were able to get off of medication in 4 weeks by going to a raw diet for 28 days. 95% of the participants who stuck to the program succeeded - 95%!
It won't cost you any more money than it does now to eat raw for a month - in fact you will save money not eating meat. You will have to give up alcohol for the month, but if that is a problem you might need some advice I'm not qualified to give.
It will cost you or your insurance company between $18,000 and $35,000 if there are no complications for bariatric surgery according to . At the end of the day you will still have to alter your diet and adopt a more active lifestyle with either approach.
Remember too that you can regain all the weight after bariatric surgery. Carney Wilson is an example of that. She is now going in for the second time for this kind of surgery. I have little doubt that she will gain the weight again although I hope she doesn't.
So, everyday you get a little more activity than you had the day before and everyday you make another better food choice and you become the control of your own fate and health. It just seems to me to be a more elegant way to go.
More soon....
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