
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Archiving The Older Posts

I guess when you have used the free bog site for a couple hundred posts with more than 1000 pictures you shouldn't be surprised when you run out of free space. That is where I found myself Sunday when I tried to add pictures to my post  of  our snowshoe trip.

There are other free blog sites with similar restrictions that I could move to, but let's be serious. I have lived in the same house for 22+ years because I don't like to move. I decided instead to archive older posts which I have set out to do.

Anyone wanting to know what happened first will have to comment that they want the older posts and I can email them off. I am not vain enough to think anyone actually will want them, but just in case, right?

The food supply didn't get the boost it could have if California's Prop 37 had passed, but it did mobilize a national effort of like minded people to boycott products that have GMO's in them. The rule of thumb is that if 5% of the consumers change their buying habits the producers adjust their products. That is not too much to do to have a healthier food supply.

This Holiday season vote for healthier food with your dollars. Buy whole - preferably organic - foods. You will enjoy better health and more energy. There is NOTHING to lose and everything to gain. Pam and I will likely do another 2 or 3 day juice fast over New Years as we have the last 2 years. It's a double benefit since you are eliminating the empty calories of alcohol that you would normally consume and the huge benefits of 2 or 3 days of clean, pure nutrition.

Before I go I want to pass on a great plant source of Vitamin B12 which many dietitians and nutritionist will tell you you need animal protein for. Barley grass which is readily available dried to add to juice or smoothies gives you a great, clean source of B12. As I eat less and less meat I feel better and better.

There is a new year approaching - if the end of the worlders are wrong of course - and new opportunities to try something different to feel better. Sometimes these things sound hard, but as you are doing them you realize they are actually easier than you think. Here are some ideas.

Try going through January without dairy or try it gluten free. There is a Vegan challenge that is well laid out here that you could try.

Any nagging allergy or inflammatory issue may well be associated with a food allergy and the most common ones are dairy and gluten. You will never know until you step out of what seems like your comfort zone and try something different. Be brave and change you health for the better.

Be very well and more soon....

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