
Friday, February 8, 2013

What You Need To Know About Olive Oil

When I use olive oil I use only Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Why you ask? There are differences in the quality and processing of olive oil that makes some good for you and others not so much.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is made from the first cold press of the fruit. That means that the oil is not heated above 80 degrees which retains more of the nutrients from the fruit and also that there is no chemical extraction in the process.

The next level is cold pressed olive oil which may be called Virgin Olive Oil. It has likewise not been heated, but it is not from the first pressing which will produce the bigger flavor. You may like this if you are looking for a milder flavor.

What you don't want is any light olive oil which is processed using chemicals to extract as much oil as possible after the cold pressing is done. You are better off using Virgin coconut oil or organic canola oil if you are looking for a lighter flavor.

You will notice that I said organic canola oil as any other is most certainly made from genetically modified canola and I recommend you avoid it. Also corn oil is almost guaranteed to be GMO and the corn has shown in studies that the genetic modification remains stable even after processing and consumption which is bad since the modification is meant to destroy the gastro -  intestinal tract. Think Crohns, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Colitis, etc.

For the best quality olive oil most sources will suggest that the fruit be from Italy, Spain or Turkey or Organic olives from the US - primarily California. My favorite is Arrezio which I buy from a restaurant supply place. Your local Cash and Carry will also carry good quality olive oils. I also like cans as oils can be affected by light and become "light struck" like beer and wine.

Anything around $20 a gallon is a good price, but read where the olives are from.

Be very well and more soon....

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