
Thursday, January 3, 2013

That's Entertainment

There are only two reasons to put something in your mouth - nourishment or entertainment. There isn't a third option. We have to choose every time we eat what we are trying to accomplish. If the goal is to improve your health and sense of well being and increase your energy then you need to nourish yourself. If you want some instant gratification from sodium, fat or sugar then entertain yourself.

The reality is that at some point you need nutrients to survive. Your body will crave them no matter what you decide your motivation is. You can eat all the junk food or fast food or processed food in the world and not ever fill your body's need for nutrition. That is why if you eat that stuff you are never satiated. It isn't possible.

The result of eating for entertainment daily is that you need something to "get you through" the day. We use coffee and "energy drinks" to provide the energy we aren't getting from our diet. Then we can't sleep because the caffeine from these things lingers in our system so we add some alcohol which gets us to sleep, but doesn't keep us asleep so we wake tired and start the cycle over again.

Tired and un-nourished we hit a fast food joint for a muffin or doughnut or croissant with some cured meat and an egg and some coffee and head off to work. Two or three more cups of coffee and we are ready to get the day going.

That is insanity. What you need in the morning is nourishment. Even just an apple would be better than the processed and boxed crap that most people are eating for breakfast. Better than that would be some oatmeal.

If you are like most people who swear they don't have any time during the week do this. Make 5 servings of oatmeal on the weekend and put it into a glass bowl. Let it cool and then cover and refrigerate. In the morning take your daily portion with a tablespoon of water and put in you bowl and nuke it for a minute and eat. Easy right?

The night before make a lunch salad of greens and whatever you like - olives, tomatoes, mushrooms, etc. Unless you work in an oven it will be fine by lunch time. For the time between breakfast and lunch pack some nuts or carrots or grapes or other veggies to snack on. Do the same for an afternoon snack.

When you get home have something you find entertaining for dinner. There are better choices that are still entertaining to the palate, but if you make it from rising to dinner with quality nutrition you can easily entertain yourself at dinner.

If you do some of these simple things along the way you will find you have much more energy to do things other than eat to entertain yourself. You will save a couple of co-pays a year which you can use for date night if you want. The extra sleep and extra quality of that sleep will give you more quality time in the morning as well.

Now that's entertainment!

Be very ell and more soon.....

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