
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Fake 'Em Out "Meatballs"

I have been spending entirely too much time looking for meatless recipes for traditional meat items. I am still perfecting my no bean veggie burgers, but I hit a home run with my meatless "meatballs" the other day.

I know there are those who think faux meat is a dumb idea. They'd tell you to pick a side and get over it, but there is a place for this stuff.  You want a burger sometimes whether you want to eat meat or not and don't get me started on meatballs with a nice marinara sauce.

If you go out and try to find organic veggie "meatballs" you will find some funny sounding ingredients that I find a little scary. That is what began the experiment. The results are a product with great color that has simple  - easy to source- ingredients. They stand up to being reheated in sauce and taste like a proper Italian meatball and have great meatball texture.

Paully's Meatless Meatballs

4 cups sliced Crimini mushrooms
2 cups steamed short grain brown rice
4-6 cloves garlic
1/4 Cup Ready to Eat Sundried Tomatoes - NOT IN OIL
1/2 medium red onion
3/4 cup Thick rolled oats (Bob's Red Mill has a gluten free one if that is an issue for you)
1/2 cup ground flax seed
2 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 tsp Fennel Seeds - I like mine pan toasted
Fresh Basil - 8-12 large leaves
Thyme - 2-3 sprigs
Oregano - 2 tbsp fresh or 1 tbsp dry
Olive oil

Saute mushrooms until softened - 4-6 minutes on high - they squeak when they are done. Add Balsamic vinegar and allow to reduce until very little liquid remains. Add the garlic, onion, tomatoes, oats and flax seed to the food processor and run until combined well. Add herbs, mushrooms and rice and process until mixture comes together.

This will make 12 - 2" balls. I like to roll them and then lightly roll them in Brown rice flour.

Saute balls in a hot pan with olive oil until browned and then finish in oven at 350 for 15 - 20 minutes. For the prettiest result sauce the balls prior to serving.

Since you did all that work don't save time by saucing them with bad sauce from the store. If you must use pre-made, use one without any corn syrup or heavy amount of sodium. There are some decent organic sauces, but a couple of cans of crushed organic tomatoes some onion and garlic along with some basil salt and pepper and you have some marinara of your own.

Be very well and more soon....

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