
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Man That Chick Is Fast!

Sound to Narrows was yesterday and I decided to walk the bulk of the route with Pam. She picked a pace that she felt was as fast as she could maintain and off we went.

The weather was a little cool and overcast which is perfect conditions. We weren't a mile in before we were plenty warm.

We cruised along at an average pace of about 13:45 miles. At just before the 5 mile mark I left Pam to her own devices and took a slightly quicker pace for the last 2.5 miles. It is at the point in the walk where you get to start catching slow runners who left 15 minutes before us.

The sun was trying to break through as I made my way up Vassault street to the finish. I even asked it not to come out yet which freaked out the two young girls I was passing at the time. Now they are stuck with stories of the crazy old guy on the Sound to Narrows talking to himself.

I finished in 1:40 for the 7.44 miles and had just gulped down about 8 Dixie cups of water and turned back to the finish line when I saw Pam bearing down on the finish line. She cruised to a 1:44 finish!

So much for taking it east and walking at her pace.

We headed back to the house and were joined by the gang for lunch and many bottles of wine on a perfect sunny day.

I hope your Saturday was as good as ours.

Be very well and more soon....

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