
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Walking Observations

There are some things a city walker or prospective city walker needs to know. I learned them on my own along the way because I strongly believe that for any exercise program to be successful it has to be sustainable. For me that means I need to be able to walk out the front doo\r with my dog and go for a walk. I get bored so I need to be able to do a variety of routes as well.

Here are some things I learned.

1. Driving skills seem to go to hell near the following places. Apartment complexes, fast food restaurants, Walmart, community colleges or technical schools and convenience stores.

2. No one ever looks on the sidewalk when they are checking to see if they are OK to pull out or turn.

3. There are 3 types of text messaging drivers.

     a. The bobble head. These people keep their phone in their lap area and bob their head up and down.
     b. The sidewinder . These people hold the phone off in their right hand and look back and forth to it.
     c. The God complex. These folks just don't care about anyone else. They are the only people that matter. They will sit at a green light and make you wait until they are done and ready to move on.

4. Lots of people miss the point with the whole "hands free" law. They hold their phone and turn in on speaker. This may be worse than holding it up to their ear because they tend to look over at the phone while they talk.

5. Athena makes people smile when we walk. I can't be sure if they are laughing at the guy being drug by his dog or if it's the look of sheer joy on her face when she is on a walk.

We got in 6.3 miles in a little under 1:22 today.

More soon.....

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