
Monday, December 12, 2011

Don't Hate The Player - Hate The Simple Carbs

Did you know that the ONLY food your brain can use is carbohydrates? Really. In this us v them world of low fat v low carb diets some sanity need to prevail.

What you need to know about carbs is that your intake of simple carbs which are essentially sugars even though they take the shape of white rice, white bread and flour, potatoes, etc., should only make up 10% or less of your total caloric intake. It's better to limit them to less than that, but 10% is the limit.

Most processed and fast foods are full of simple carbs which is only one reason why they suck as food. The other reason is that they have had their structure altered to the point where you get no real nutrition from them. They are also regularly LOADED with sodium.

Complex carbohydrates provide most of the energy that your body needs. They should make up 55 - 60% of your total caloric intake. They include fresh vegetables and fruits, brown rice, whole grains, beans, and other foods. They provide not only fuel but fiber which is necessary for a healthy digestive system.

Healthy digestion is the key to health as most of you ability to fight diseases is controlled by the health of your digestive system. Your "gut" is the first line of defense against diseases both seasonal and chronic. The fiber in complex carbohydrates works like a plunger to flush your colon and help keep you well.

The great news is that brown rice and wild rice actually taste better than the white stuff and the same goes for whole grain breads as opposed to the white stuff. Agave nectar and honey are better tasting than sugar too.

I promise that if you cut the simple carbs and sugars and bad fats for 2 weeks you won't miss them anymore. It's like cigarettes that way. You may be cranky and irritable for 2 weeks but you'll come around and be much healthier in a real and sustainable way. No more dieting - just a way to eat that works forever. Less meds and more energy! Sounds good, doesn't it?

More soon....

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