
Friday, December 2, 2011

Lesser Evils - Hey I Tried

OK. Family is in for the holidays or you are there and a captive. They want to go to breakfast at IHOP. It's not like you can just say no so you go. Here's what not to eat and what to eat.

Don't eat the Bacon Eggs and Hashbrowns with 2 Toast. That bad boy weighs in at 1160 calories with 67 grams of fat and 1880 milligrams of sodium. That is roughly 9 times as much fat as you should get in a day and nearly twice the sodium. If you're tyring to lose weight you will have eaten all of your daily calories more or less.

Do eat the Buckwheat pancakes at 110 calories with 4 grams of fat and 280 milligrams of sodium for a stack of 4. You will like yourself better.

If they drag you to Denny's don't eat the Bacon Avocado Burrito with Hashbrowns at 1010 calories with 59 grams of fat and 2200 milligrams of sodium.

Do eat the Fit Slam at 390 calories with 12 grams of fat and 850 milligrams of sodium. On second thought, feign illness and don't go to Denny's. 850 milligrams of SODIUM? REALLY?

Don't eat anything at Shari's. Every lighter choice there is heavily laden with sodium.

At Marie Callendars You can have Steel cut oats but only if you skip the pecans, sugar, and milk.

This is getting hard. I really wanted to provide better choices for each place, but they load the dishes with sodium if they aren't loaded with calories and fat. Offer to cook for them. Hit the store for some Buckwheat flour and some whole wheat flour and make them some Buckwheat pancakes. Add some fresh Organic berries and Pure Maple Syrup and they'll love you.

More soon...

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