I try to read as much as I can on studies related to genetically modified foods (GMOs). I have learned a lot of stuff about them through my reading and noticed that there is a distinct LACK of studies put out by the manufacturers of these things. Here are the facts that no one disputes.
GMOs are created by introducing a virus that causes the cells of the organism to create pesticides and also be resistant to herbicides.
The manufacturer says the idea is to reduce the amount of chemicals used in the growing process. This fact is curious since the manufacturers are Monsanto and DuPont who are both chemical companies.
In order to qualify for a patent on their GMO seeds they had to show that their seed was substantially different from the existing seed. Prior to these products the main exception to patenting anything was that you could NOT patent life. Deregulation allowed them to patent life in these cases.
In order to NOT have to test these products prior to their entry into the food supply the manufacturers had to assert that their product was substantially the same as the existing seed. They either are substantially different or they aren't. Currently we are left with Monsanto and DuPonts' assertions that they are the same. There have been NO tests done by the FDA or USDA on these products or products they are in.
The main products now are corn, soy canola and sugar beets. 75% of the corn grown in the US is GMO and a whopping 90% of the soy! The sugar beet is relatively new to this and the bulk of the canola is grown in Canada.
The nature of corn is such that the FDA was originally worried about the GMO product entering the food supply. Elements in corn stay stable even after processing and cooking which was the cause of the concern. By the time the FDA learned that the GMO corn was in the food supply it had already become more than 50% of the US production through cross-pollination.
Monsanto and DuPont ex executives and lobbyists are currently running the FDA and USDA.
This next bit is best if I let you watch the following clip. http://tv.naturalnews.com/v.asp?v=44B01FC78CDD4BA22DDADAB2E6965711 . The crux of it is that a study now shows that not only does the pesticide stay stable in GMOs but the cellular information also carries on and has the potential to turn our cells into pesticide producers through the same mutation they created. Let me repeat. THIS MEANS THAT THESE THINGS CAN MAKE OUR CELLS PRODUCE PESTICIDES. Self poisoning - nice.
This also means that any animal fed this stuff will also have the same issue AND their meat will be able to pass this trait on to us. I don't know about you, but I know my probiotic isn't strong enough to counteract a growing pesticide.
These facts have led to countries - including China - who do not allow us to export corn, soy or meat fed any GMOs to them. When China won't take your stuff you are seriously in trouble.
The Washington State legislature had 2 bills that were killed in committee this year by legislators who were given campaign contributions by Monsanto and then denied they accepted and such contributions. http://www.activistpost.com/2012/02/monsanto-funded-legislators-suppress.html
I'm not feeding kids at my house like most of you are, but this stuff scares me. Corn product is in virtually all processed and fast foods through corn syrup, corn starches, corn flours and corn meal. Where there is no corn - there is soy and if it isn't Organic it is GMO.
I do not and will not eat anything that has corn as an ingredient that I don't know the source of. Likewise, I will not eat any soy unless I know it's Organic.
I wish I thought this was the end of this, but as long as these companies are left to their own devices we will have more of this stuff to watch out for. I'll keep my eyes open and report what I can, but we all need to decide where our tolerance is for this.
More soon....
Thanks for the information Paul. I knew virtually nothing about this prior to reading about it on your blog.
ReplyDeleteWhen my kids were growing up I was careful to buy organic milk, eggs and meat. I noticed a crazy trend of girls going through puberty at very early ages.....I think due to all of the hormones in those foods. It never occured to me to think about GMO's. Thanks for the info!