
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pop Pop Pop Culture

So you want some easy changes that have huge upside? Here is the easiest one I know. Quit drinking pop. One can of Coke is the equivalent of having a glass of water with 8 tsp of sugar. What is the word? Ick! That's the word.

If you drink 1 pop a day and quit you will lose about 21 pounds a year without doing anything else. Could you stand to lose 21 pounds? Would that make your life easier?

Now you need to replace that pop with something so how about a glass of water - without sugar? Drinking water actually helps you lose weight as well. It basically flushes the toxins out of your system.

Cook your own food. You will be burning calories as you prepare your meals. You will also be able to monitor what is going into your meal. Measure the oil you use to saute stuff in. Every tbsp of oil is pure fat and calorie dense. You need some good fats but too much of a good thing isn't good anymore. At 120 calories per tbsp you can quickly add 300 - 400 calories to a dish to feed 4.

Swap out chicken or fish for beef when you can. If you keep red meat to once a week or less you will greatly reduce your risk of most chronic diseases dramatically regardless of the quality of the beef. That means even grass fed beef is not a great protein for you no matter what the beef association says.

Swap out black beans for animal proteins in tacos, burgers and other foods. The black beans add fiber and don't give up protein. The protein from the beans is more "bio-available" to you meaning your body can digest and use it more rapidly. Dried beans are really inexpensive and you just soak them overnight in water - rinse them - and then cook them for 30 minutes to al dente or longer to get a softer texture.

Swap out black beans for refried beans. Just DON"T eat refried beans. They are mainly bad for you. Cook your beans al dente and spice them with some cumin, garlic and cilantro. They are great with anything Mexican.

Reach for herbs before you grab for the salt. Try basil or thyme or turmeric before you add salt. As you do that more you will find you use and need less salt all the time.

You've listened to me long enough for one day.

More soon.....

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