
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Blogger's Block

Some days I just sit on the New Post page and stare at the blank screen waiting for inspiration. I know there are hundreds of recipes in my head that I could share, but I don't always feel like that's what I want to share.

Today is one of those days. I wanted to pass on some information on Chia seeds "shakes" or the great tomatoes that Muir Glen sent me because I am a food blogger, but I couldn't really come to  a full idea for either yet.

I just watched the documentary "Dirt" and could talk about that some. You should see it. It is a very even portrayal of what the issues are regarding our most important resource that we treat pretty poorly. That, too, didn't turn the corner into an actual post length discussion.

Pam and I transferred our tomato starts into larger pots and moved them to the greenhouse to harden and grow before we transfer them into their self-watering containers, but even that isn't a complete thought.

I do want to pass on that the bulk carrots at Costco are no longer the Earthbound Farms Organic ones, but some non-organic product. There, I did it. Still no real blog post.

It's times like these when I am amazed that in less than a year the blog has over 5000 page views. Luckily, I am not always as stuck as I am today. I must be devoting too much of my mind to thinking about our winter climb of Mt St Helens later this month or our first bicycle ride of the year we have planned for Saturday to the races on the Cut for Opening Day of boating season.

So, here I am on Mayday sending out a mayday to my brain for something to write about that might be interesting. No luck so far.

I'll just have to promise to do better next time and say...

More soon....

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