I try to present as stable and straight forward a voice as I can in this blog. I am a voracious information hound so I try to pass on the things I think are of value and that are accessible. Accessibility, for me, is about being able to not only get the point, but see where you could employ the information in your own life.
Along this journey - now almost a year writing this blog - I have changed some diet items, but I think the quest and voice are still the same. My goal is to learn and pass on as much as I can about food and diet unrestrained by what is being taught to dietitians and nutritionists in schools currently. Most of their curriculum is supplied and funded by the meat and dairy industries.
The biggest changes have been cutting dairy and meats to a bit of hard Italian cheese on pasta dishes and a tiny bit of organic butter blended with organic canola oil to top air-popped popcorn along with a little organic chicken every month or so and some fish. I was making and using yogurt daily and using it for sauces and even dressings.
I have never felt better and had more even moods than I do now! There should be a healthy feeling gauge installed on people so everyone can see what I feel like inside. That sounds weird, but I mean it. No one would pass up feeling this good everyday if they knew it was true. My bandwagon would need room for a full orchestra!
I am not closer weight-wise today than I was when this blog began, but I know my health is better. I have far better stamina and better energy than I did a year ago. I'm going to get to my goal weight eventually because I'd like to have less to pedal or drag up hills when I'm out exercising.
So, that's where I'm at nearing the first year of this adventure. I hope that all of my readers have added one thing at least that has made their life better in the same time frame. I plan to keep writing this as long as people are reading it. I'll try to keep it entertaining or at least interesting. I hope to add some videos of kitchen skills or something. I just have to figure it out.
Be well and more soon.....
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