
Sunday, October 14, 2012

We'll Add Crystal Peak To The Short List

Pam and I headed out Saturday to hike Crystal Peak just inside Mt Rainier National Park on the HWY 410 side of the park. It was raining good at home and we haven't hiked in the rain except for the first part of the first day on the Inca Trail trek and Mt ST Helens so we weren't sure what the day would be like.

There were no rain drops at the trailhead and we were on the trail and moving at 9:08 after sleeping in and taking our sweet time getting out of the house.We were about .15 mile up the trail when I realized I hadn't locked the car so I went back down and locked it and headed back up to Pam.

This trail is different than any we hike regularly. It has very long reaches without the benefit of switchbacks. Since it also has a good amount of elevation gain it becomes very relentless long uphills without the natural stops that switchbacks provide.

The trail starts and goes steadily uphill to a junction where you choose between Crystal Lake or Crystal Peak. There you head right towards the peak and the trail goes gently downhill to a river crossing. Once across the river the next section is a steady uphill - ring around the mountain - reach that is more than 1.5 miles until the next switchback.


Sections of granite dot the trail along the way and this time of year the colors were spectacular.

I followed Pam to the Peak where the wind was blowing cold. We took our peak pictures and headed down a little to get our raincoats and pack covers on because it had finally began to rain. We ate some quick snacks and headed down. The rain lasted about 1 mile only and we were treated to the other side of the leaves on the way down. It's funny how different a trail can be on the way down.


We were back at the car at about 10 minutes to 1:00 PM - making quick work of Crystal Peak. We drove back into the rain and narrowly avoided being rearended in Bonney Lake. A couple of showers and a post hike meal at The Top Of Tacoma and back home for wine, Athena time and a movie made the perfect end to a perfect day.

Be very well and more soon....

1 comment:

  1. Wish I went on that trail with you two! Nothing's better than seeing fall colors on a hiking trail!!
