
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Acceptable Levels

In 1874 chemists isolated DDT. In 1939 it was discovered that it was an effective insecticide. In fact in 1948 Paul Hermann Muller won the Nobel Prize  for his work with DDT.

In 1962 Rachel Carson published her book "Silent Spring" that catalogued the health risks of DDT and the environmental impact. She questioned the widespread use of DDT without fully understanding the effects of it.

It took until 1972 before DDT - now a known carcinogen - was banned in the US.

In 1962 Daminozide - known mainly by the trade name Alar - was approved for use. It was part of a chemical cocktail - over 40 separate chemicals - that were sprayed on apples grown in mono crops - One type of apple planted in large tracts together.

In 1989 Alar was pulled off of the market because it was found to be a known carcinogen.

In 1957 Bispenol -A (BPA) was first used in making plastic. It is not banned in the US currently except for use in baby bottles. It can be found in virtually all plastic bottles including the big ones on the water cooler at work. There is growing evidence that it acts like a hormone in the human body which disrupts your glands (endochrine system).  It is banned in Canada as a toxic substance.

Is it possible to protect yourself from all the toxins in the environment? Probably not, but that is the best reason to limit exposure where you can by making as many natural choices as possible. Filter your home tap water instead of drinking from plastic bottles. Read labels and never eat anything with an ingredient you can't identify.

The acceptable level of chemicals and toxins may be something other than this, but the desirable level in my world remains at none.

Be very well and more soon...

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