
Friday, July 15, 2011

Festival Preparation

Tomorrow is the Vashon Island Strawberry Festival. We'll make our yearly trek to the island so Pam can see her friends from high school. They have a parade that has to be experienced. A couple of highlights are the tractors and the shopping cart brigade.

There will be lots of music, including some made by some of Pam's friends.

Then there is the festival food. This is where it gets difficult for me. There just isn't a lot of stuff you can buy from a food cart that I will eat. I will definitely have to relax my policy on chicken if I eat any there. I doubt they are sourcing organic, free range birds. I won't relax my policy on fried foods. I don't eat any of them. Really!

Last year there was a salad stand ran by some Kiwanis or Lions Club that was OK. Again, I can't expect organic greens, but a green option anyway. There is a small organic restaurant on the island I could sneak off to I suppose.

On another subject, I made some small repairs to the RV today and discovered why the generator wasn't powering the AC stuff in the rig - there was a tripped GFI outlet on the outside that I reset and everything worked. I'd like to meet the rocket scientist that set the electrical up in such a way that an external GFI trip could keep the generator and electronic pilot light for the water heater from working. Pure Genius!


Not that grilled cheese is the best thing you can eat, but this is good!

2 slices Dave's Killer Bread 21 Whole Grain Bread
Thinly sliced extra sharp cheddar
Sun dried Tomatoes (I use the non oil ones. If you use the other allow some time for draining and use the oil for the bread)
Olive Oil

Spray or lightly brush olive oil on one side of each piece of bread. Put one layer of cheese and a layer of sun dried tomatoes on bread add top piece of bread and grill until golden brown.


More soon.....

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