One of her things that needs to follow the script is her Mama's coming home program. Pam's ring tone on my phone is the Linus and Lucy theme from Peanuts. Athena hears that and knows that her Mama is 15-25 minutes from home. She has to go out with me to open the gate. She pretends that she could run off up the driveway and then heads back to the house.
Once Pam pulls up in the back we have to go out again so she can stare up the driveway until I come and pretend I am worried that she might run off and make a move to block her "attempt." She then puts on what can only be described as "wicked smooth moves" and runs into the yard. Somehow that qualifies as a greeting for her Mama.
When it's time for Pam to hit the couch for some laptop time to check Facebook, etc. Athena likes to jump up on the couch and lay her head across the keyboard. I hope none of you have received an email from her. I guess it's her way of helping Pam get her priorities straight.
It is always at least good for a laugh.
Since Wagon Wheel Lake Pam and I took Athena for a 4.15 mile walk Sunday and Athena and I walked our 6.3 mile route in 1:22 yesterday.
The other day I made some healthier Cajun food. I used my dry rub on some chicken breasts and grilled them on the BBQ.
Along with that I made greens from a cauliflower plant that I harvested the cauliflower from. I cleaned and chopped them and wilted them in some olive oil very simply with onion and garlic and some Organic Chicken Stock. They simmered for 3 hours or so.
I also did Red Beans and Wild Rice. I have Anaheim and cayenne peppers ripe in the greenhouse so I used one of each and 1/2 large red onion and sauteed them in a saucepan. I then added 2 cloves of garlic and then 1 can of diced tomatoes and 1 1/2 cups of the chicken stock and cooked it for about 45 minutes until the liquid was not quite all in the rice. I tossed in some basil and thyme and let it rest 5 minutes.
The whole deal was great. Try it - you'll like it. You can swap water or vegetable stock for the chicken stock if you wish.
More soon.....
Hi Pam and Paul, I met you guys at the Strawberry Festival, having a drink and we spoke about VIPP and Athena. She's great@! I love the blog. What a special girl, and what great parents you are. My kitty Mo came back after 21 days, tired and hungry, what a little miracle (not sure I mentioned it). all the best, stay in touch. Julie Stedman ( and give some pets to Athena!