
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Promised Recipes

The hardest part of travel and camping for me is eating clean while we're out. Since I don't look at having food that isn't good for me as a treat I am forced to create. Here is what we created for the trip.

Buckwheat Pancakes

2 cups Organic Buckwheat flour
2 cups Organic Wheat flour
1 cup nonfat organic yogurt
2 tbsp olive oil
dash of salt
2 tbsp honey or pure maple syrup
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4  tsp baking soda
4 organic eggs
To make great pancakes you MUST separate the eggs. The whites go into a copper bowl and are whipped until stiff. The rest of the ingredients are mixed together until just smooth. Add enough water to get the consistency right - 1/2 to 1 cup depending on humidity, etc) Once everything is mixed FOLD in the whites until just mixed. Ladle onto a hot cast iron griddle and add organic blueberries if you want. These don't get really brown - more of a tan. Flip and finish and serve with fresh berries of pure maple syrup.

Grilled Red Snapper with brown rice, grilled asparagus and Bok Choy

Less is more with grilled fish so I lightly coat the fillets with olive oil and then salt and pepper to taste. If you want cajun use a rub or blackening spice to one side and put that side down first on a very hot grill that has been oiled as well.

Prior to cooking the fish cook the brown rice as directed as it takes close to one hour to finish.

Lightly brush the bok choy and asparagus with olive oil and then lightly salt and pepper it as well.

Grill along with the fish as they will all need 3 minuted a side to finish.


Snapper Jambalaya

3 or 4 Snapper Fillets
Olive oil
1 can organic tomatoes
Salt and pepper
Louisiana Hot Sauce

Wild rice (1 cup dry)

Cook wild rice per directions.

Saute onions - I used 1/2 a medium red onion. Add Mushrooms and saute - I sliced 6 medium crimini mushrooms, add garlic and snapper - 2 medium cloves of garlic. As the snapper cooks break it up with a spatula until it is in bite size pieces. Add 1 can tomatoes and season with salt pepper and hot sauce to desired heat level.

Add rice to a bowl and top with the snapper mix. Enjoy..  

Don't like fish? Use chicken or a good non-nitrite chicken sausage.

For the Italian version swap out the hot sauce for fresh basil to taste - I used about 20 good sized leaves. Again, you can swap out other proteins or use zucchini instead of meat.

Fish Tacos

Same ingredients as above except no rice or tomatoes and add Whole Wheat tortillas.  Make the same mixture as the jambalaya but skip the tomatoes. While cooking the mix put some tortillas in foil and throw it on the grill and flip often for 5 minutes or so. Build your tacos and enjoy....

Whew! There are the promised recipes from the camping trip. We are both still a little sore from St Helens part duex, but it is always worth the pain when you get a great summit view.

More soon.....

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