
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Natural Alternative

So after my doctor suggested I take statins for a "high LDL particulate count" - not high LDL- I did some research and found a couple of things. First, psyllium powder, which is basically a really good soluble fiber source, has great results in not only lowering LDL and raising HDL but also reduces triglycerides and aids in weight loss without side effects.

Why doesn't my doctor know this stuff?

The second thing I found was that the "advanced lip panel" test was designed as a part of an initiative by our pharmaceutical friends to have a goal amount of us on statins by the end of the decade. Admittedly, the source is a little sketchy, but just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get us.

What makes me mad is that I had quickly turned around the levels on the old test which I guess had to make me a candidate for the new one. Right? It's just another case of the man trying to keep us down or something like that. It is at least moving the finish line after you've already crossed it.

Enough whining! I have some psyllium on the way and I will continue being walked by Athena and drug out on hikes and snowshoes by Pam - not that either of them has to work too hard to get me moving. I will also keep adding better ingredients to my dishes and subtracting the crap - although there isn't much crap left to ditch.

I'm not ready to give up my red wine. This is where I throw in some sentence that ends with "my cold dead hands."

When I go back in March or April for my doctor follow up I'll pass on the data.

More soon.....

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