
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What My Drug Pusher Forgot to Tell Me

I got the hard copy of my Lipid panel test in the mail the other day. From the last test to this one - 6 months- everything came down that should come down and my HDL (good cholesterol) went from 34 to 54!

Somehow a nearly 60% increase in HDL wasn't worth mentioning. All of the natural treatment sources I researched used the ratio of HDL to Triglycerides as a measure of cholesterol risk so as long as your HDL isn't less than half of your triglyceride number you were a lower risk person. Since my number there is 75 with the 54 HDL I'm good by their standards, but whatever.

The fact that in 6 months I increased the number by almost 60% should have elicited at least a question of what I did to do that. I'm not looking for an atta boy, but someone who sees patients who have the same issues should be at least a little interested.

The point? I am ready to bail on corporate medicine. I am looking for a recommendation for a Naturopath in the Tacoma area if anyone knows of a good one. I've been eating and exercising with the goal of getting my body in condition to protect and heal itself. Now it's time to put my money where my mouth is I guess.

Please pass on any info you have on local Naturopaths and have a great Thanksgiving!

More soon....

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