
Sunday, June 17, 2012

We Don't Need No Stinking Mules! The Hike Into The Grand Canyon.

I'm at a loss for words to describe what a significant event hiking rim to rim in the Grand Canyon was. Rather than wax poetic I think I'll just recount the trip as a starting place.

We flew into Vegas last Thursday and were whisked away to the van rental place. Our group of 18 split into a group of 8 headed to the South Rim and our group of ten headed to the North Rim. We opted for the slightly longer route that allowed us to drive through Zion National Park. I would have been all over getting in early enough to get a hike in, but we were on a run to get to Jacob Lake for the night.

We arrived at Jacob Lake Inn cabins and settled in. Settling in for Rhonda on a hiking trip requires Duck Farts. I passed on the duck farts, but had a couple of Zion Canyon Virgin Stouts instead. We also noticed that we were sharing the area with at least 15 Turkey Vultures.

The next morning we headed into to the park and headed out the long road to Imperial Point for some photo ops. Our driver Bucky dropped us at the North Rim Lodge at a little before noon and headed to the South Rim to meet up with the other group.

We attempted to listen to the Ranger talk on the geology of the Grand Canyon, but the wind was blowing at about 30 MPH and making it impossible to hear her. We had dinner and scrambled down to Bright Angel Point for the sunset.

Pam and I were up at 3:30 and walking to the trailhead at 4 AM. We walked maybe 1/2 mile when the shuttle driver saw us walking up the road - turned around and gave us a ride to the trailhead which saved us a little over a mile of walking. 4:15 we headed down the North Kaibab (KI BAB) trail for what was to be a little more than 16 miles with side trips to Phantom Ranch. Our goal was to get to Phantom Ranch before the heat of the day. We arrived at 11:05 AM - thirsty and a little tired but no worse for wear.

Our side trips included Roaring Springs which was missable and Ribbon Falls which isn't. They added a little more than 2 miles to the journey.

The rest of our north to south group headed down at 6 or a little later and ended up ducking the sun at Ribbon Falls for a while and arrived at 4 PM. The last section of the trail is known as "The Box." It is a steep box canyon that gets very hot once the sun comes over the top. Pam and I had the shade, but we could see the sun line just 2 or 3 feet off the trail threatening us all the way.

A shower and a couple of Grand Canyon Wheat Beers at the cantina later we were right as rain and basking in the now 100+ temperature at Phantom Ranch. Our hike started at 8200 feet and ended up at 2500.

That's the story of the walk down. Look forward to the hikes down in  and the hike out.

Be well and more soon....

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