
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Organic Dairy - Worth It Or Not?

Organic this- organic that. Blah Blah Blah. You are probably getting tired of seeing the word organic in this blog. If you make No other change I recommend, make the change to organic dairy. Here's the facts.

Cows that produce USDA certified Organic dairy products are Fed organic feed raised on land certified as meeting national organic growing standards. In addition they are raised in conditions which limit stress and promote health. They are cared for as individuals by dairy professionals who value animal health, and are not given routine treatments of antibiotics or growth hormones. Lets take this one item at a time.

They are fed organic (including non-GMO) feed. Since the feed is organic you are not having herbicides, pesticides, and other chemicals passed to you. For those of you who don't know about GMOs they are genetically modified organisms or simply seeds that have been modified - usually by grafting a virus in the cells - so they can then attach herbicides and pesticides into the seed. This makes plants that you can spray with Round Up and they won't die. Sounds tasty Huh?  Clean feed makes clean food.

The animals are raised in a low stress environment that promotes health - meaning that no stress hormones are passed to you in the food either. We get enough hormones already and don't need additional ones from either the stress of the animal or the bovine growth hormone that they add to the feed in non-organic dairy farms.

The other item that they are not regularly dosed with is antibiotics. We have created super infections by overusing antibiotics and we don't need an additional supply of them in our milk or yogurt.

It is no stretch in logic to think that better treated and more naturally fed cows will produce more healthy and better tasting milk.

For all of you animal lovers out there, an organically grown dairy cow lives longer than it's "conventionally" grown counterpart. This means that they will also need replacing later so less resources will go into growing replacements.

The organic product tastes better. Try it and you'll be a convert too.


Yesterday I did the squash pasta like it prior posts and used a sauce that goes like this.

Thinly slice 1/2 medium onion and saute in olive oil until soft - a couple of minutes, add 2-3 cloves of garlic - minced and stir for 1 minute. add 2/3 cup dry white wine - I used a Sauvignon Blanc. Let the wine cook down to 1/2 to 1/3 and add 15 cherry tomatoes halved and 1/3 cup fresh peas. cook for 1 minute. Add squash pasta and 2 or 3 sprigs of thyme and cook 2 or 3 minutes. Serve and enjoy.

More soon......

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