
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Silly Hats With History And Puppy Progress

Pam got off of work yesterday and we jumped in the RV which we now call "The Athenian" - a travelling dog hotel. We went to Shelton to the Mason County Fairgrounds for their county fair and rodeo. Our goal was to see Big Sam and Funky Nation a band from New Orleans. The RV site was maybe 400 steps from the stage and 200 steps from a stand that sold smoked turkey legs. Location, location, location.

I finally remembered to bring this silly hat that I picked up in New Orleans this year. We were sitting on the stoop at the house we rented in New Orleans and 2 girls were walking down the sidewalk. One was wearing this hat so I said something like "I looked all over for a hat like that and couldn't find one." The girl said "I'm so sick of this hat you take it." , and she gave it to me.

I planned on giving it to Rhonda's Paul that day, but forgot - so - short story long - Paul got his hat.

Paully proudly wore his hat all day today and was asked for it at least once. As you can see it fits him well. Truly, the best dressed team.

As far as puppy progress goes, there were horses all over the place at the fair. Last year we took Athena to hike Packwood Lake and there were horses on the trail. I had to lay on top of her and Pam had to cover her eyes until the horses passed and she was jacked up for the rest of the day. This time she noticed them but didn't overreact at all. I was impressed and then some!

Tomorrow we are off to hike Norse Peak which is by Crystal Mountain. If the weather is like today there should be some great pictures to share.

More soon.....

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