
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Movie You Should Watch

I realize I have a sickness for watching documentaries on food and the food supply, but there is some really well done stuff out there. My latest find was recommended to me by my brother Mike. It is called "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead."
2 months
The subject of the film had some disease that required prednisone to keep somewhat under control. He got tired of taking pills - and being fat - and decided to do a 2 month juice fast. I believe that he first did a month of a diet heavy in fresh, raw foods so as not to shock his system too much.

I don't want to give too much away, but you will be blown away by what he did in 2 months.

The format of the movie was cool too as he drove across the US in the last month of the fast. In both months he speaks to a lot of people about what he is doing, etc. It's pretty cool.

Pam and I did a raw 4 weeks to start 2011 which began with a 3 day juice fast. They shouldn't really call it a fast because there were times when we were due for a juice and not hungry. No kidding! The juices were good and you had 5 a day so there was variety. I'm not convinced I would be good for 2 months, but I don't have a weird disease and over 100 pounds to lose either.

We continue to juice now, although I think I'll crank it back up and do at least 2 a day.

More soon....

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