
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Just When I Was Struggling For An Idea

Along comes a new Burger King Ad about their Texas Barbecue Whopper and Sweet Potato Fries. Intrigued, I looked up the nutritional information on the pair and found the following:

The burger has 820 calories with 51 grams of fat (78% of your daily limit based on 2000 calories a day) and 18 grams of the fat are saturated fat (90%). It also has a whopper size 1840 milligrams of sodium which is more than a days supply. I keep coming back to this, but this isn't nourishment. It IS punishment.

Add the fries and you add 290 calories and 16 grams of fat with 3 grams of saturated fat as well as 530 milligrams of sodium. That takes your fat total to 67 grams which is more than you should get all day if you are a healthy weight active male and 21 grams of saturated which is also over the amount. The sodium amount of 2370 milligrams is obscene. Most doctors and nutritionists/dietitians are recommending 1500 as a max - making this "meal" a day and a half wroth of sodium.

So what to do?  If you make yourself a chicken burger with 1 tbsp of BBQ sauce it works out to 180 calories with 5 grams of fat and 1.5 saturated fat and a total of 250 milligrams of sodium. Bake your own sweet potato fries at 400 for 20 minutes and add 150 calories with 6 grams of fat 0 saturated and 245 milligrams of sodium.

You will have taken 1110 calories down to 330 and 67 grams of fat to 11. The saturated fat goes from 21 grams to 1.5 and the sodium from a heart stopping 2370 milligrams to 495. If you don't use the BBQ sauce you save half of the sodium as well.

This version will provide some nourishment instead of pure punishment and allow you to have breakfast and lunch too.

Be well, have a safe 4th and more soon.....

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