
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Not The Chocolate Milk Paully!

While watching the Tour De France I have been seeing ads with athletes saying they use chocolate milk to recover from exercise. They should be ashamed of themselves for taking money from the dairy industry and attempting to legitimize milk as a "quality source of protein."

The fact is that the main protein in cow's milk is casein and is the most linked animal protein to cancer development in humans. In fact in a "the China Study" the researchers were able to turn cancer on and off by either adding or eliminating casein in the diet.

Sadly, our FDA and USDA are rife with ex dairy, meat and chemical company employees whose goal is not to provide us with the information we need to make proper decisions about our diets. Instead their goal is to have an industry to work for when they leave their agency positions.

OK mister Smarty Paully, what is a good source of protein for recovery after exercise? I recommend a smoothy with 1 cup of organic Rice Milk, 1 Tbsp chia seeds and 1 cup of frozen berries. This will provide you with 5 grams of protein, 9 grams of fiber, 25% of your Vitamin B12, D, 15%  Phosphate,  and 30% of your calcium, 20% of folic acid, 10% of Vitamin A along with 2.5 Grams of Omega 3's. Oh - it tastes great too.

The Chocolate milk - per cup is 210 calories with 8 grams of protein and 2 of fiber, but has 5 grams of saturated fat. So the smoothy gives you 250 calories in twice as much drink as the chocolate milk with more of every vitamin except for calcium which is the same. The chia seeds will also help you stay full longer which helps a lot of us.

Guilt or no guilt. GUILT. With the crap weather I have been a bum. I will do better tomorrow.

Be well and more soon...

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