
Monday, August 20, 2012

Stuff You Can't Do

At 4.8 or more MPH walking there are things you just can't do. I thought it would be nice to share them even though nobody else likely has any interest in walking that fast.

1. Look for loose change. Sure, you might see some loose change, but you could break a bone trying to pick it up. I know you are saying "You could stop." but it's hard enough to go that fast and the last thing you need is to stop and get going again. If it is less that a $5.00 bill I'm walking past.

2. Look cool. Let's face it, you look a little crazy walking that fast. It is exacerbated where we walk because of the proximity to Western State Hospital. I'm sure that crosses a lot of people's mind when they see us flying along. It is also hard to look cool waiting for the bus, pulling weeds and grocery shopping.

3. Carry on meaningful conversations. Getting more out than "Good girl" or "Let go kid" is really not happening. I need to keep some kind of song in my head as a pace reminder or tempo to keep moving that fast so that limits other - deeper thoughts.

I'm sure I'll think of more stuff and bore you with it in another post.

Athena and I got in our 6.7 mile route in 1:22 this morning so I'm suffering right now.

Be well and more soon....

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